Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about DataToCare.
DataToCare is a digital platform ensuring the connectivity over a network of laboratories. The platform automatically collects and centralizes diagnosis data from lab instruments, thereby enabling disease surveillance and qualitative Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) efforts.
DataToCare is an agnostic platform. It is used today for collecting data over 12 different diseases, and interfaces a broad range of instruments from multiple vendors. The complete list is available upon request, and additional use-cases are regularly added following the requests coming from the field.
A LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) is typically used for processing a flow of samples within laboratories, where multiple analyses are being performed; LIMS ensures the traceability of the sample, orchestrates the different lab workflows, enables quality controls on the results, and in general articulates smoothly with administrative workflows such as the billing.
DataToCare is sometimes referred to as a LIS (Laboratory Information System) : it facilitates the processing and the sharing of technical, clinical and patient data within a laboratory environment; it typically supports data flows, not only for healthcare operations (diagnosis data), but also for logistics operations (instrument maintenance and stock management).
In laboratories where a LIMS is used, LIS may constitute a valuable tool for seamless capture and distribution of data.
DHIS2 is a Health Management Information System (HMIS) which has become very popular for the monitoring and reporting of infectious diseases : it is broadly used by countries to disseminate health information towards global organizations such as WHO.
DHIS2 is not designed for being deployed in individual institutions; this is where a platform like DataToCare plays a crucial role : DataToCare collects data from a network of laboratories, and centralizes these data in a unique database. It then becomes straightforward to synchronize the DataToCare database with DHIS2 and ensure that all field data are consistently collected and transmitted into DHIS2.
Yes. DataToCare has been designed on the basis of internationally recognized standards for health data and for data exchange, accordingly the platform is compatible with a broad range of other digital health software including LIMS platforms, Electronic Medical Records, public health databases (like DHIS2) as well as a variety of local tools.
DataToCare ensures a strict privacy on the health data : data protection follows the European regulations (GDPR). Data transmissions are done using encrypted protocols. The database is stored on a physical or cloud-based server approved by the local health authority. The platform primarily processes and disseminates aggregated indicators, and only the accredited profiles (healthcare professionals) may access individual data.
Dedicated forms for encoding the data are accessed through the module DataToCare Desktop which has to be installed on a lab computer. An adapted version of these interfaces is also available for mobile devices (phones or tablets).
Real-time monitoring dashboard and the generation of reports are delivered as web functionalities : they are accessed through a web browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
Yes. DataToCare can be used offline for example when a connection is interrupted; data transmission will be ensured when the connection is restored.
DataToCare is particularly adapted to ‘last mile institutions’ : in laboratories where the internet is not available, the data transmission can be configured on the basis of mobile data or SMS.
Yes. Data encoding forms, monitoring dashboards and report templates are customized to every country or health program.
The customization is typically ensured by DataToCare editor (Savics company), yet it is possible to subscribe to educational programs and learn to perform these tasks autonomously.
Implementing a completely new instance of DataToCare (new country, new disease, new interfaces) requires a few weeks. Such project generally includes a preliminary assessment, the software configuration, the deployment in laboratories and the training of local IT specialists and lab operators.
When it turns to roll out an existing DataToCare configuration into one laboratory, the procedure requires a few hours, including the creation of user accounts and the explanations given to the local staff.
There is no unique answer to that question. The cost of implementing DataToCare depends on a multiplicity of parameters, like the number of diseases and instruments to be supported, the number of laboratories to be covered, the possibility to supply IT infrastructure if needed, the capacity building effort as well as the envisioned support & maintenance contract.
An indicative quotation may be produced upon request, and the effective project scheduling may in general be adjusted in order to meet the partner’s financial capabilities.
Nevertheless, DataToCare is provided with a free, perpetual license : it means that no recurrent license cost is associated with the software, users are charged only for the contracted services (implementation, support and training).
DataToCare has been implemented in 18 countries, primarily in Africa and South-East Asia. Some of these implementations were evaluations or pilot projects; as of today, 15 countries are consistently using DataToCare, mostly for TB and HIV surveillance.