Welcome to the Product page where you can discover DataToCare features and DataToCare interoperability capabilities.

Discover how DataToCare supports real-time data collection and transfer, data visualisation, notifications to patients and doctors, reports generation, maintenance of analyzers and inventory management.
DataToCare, enables connection via API, via FTP, via database to Lab information system, electronic Medical record, etc. You can find below an example of 3 external systems DataToCare can connect with.
DataToCare interoperates in a bidirectional way with the world’s largest HMIS platform: DHIS2. DataToCare can deal with individual and aggregated data and uses DHIS2 Web API to communicate.
DataToCare interconnects with e-TB Manager, a web or desktop-based tool for managing all the information needed by national TB control programs. DataToCare sends test results via Web API to e-TB Manager.
DataToCare interconnects with Nadis, a structured specialty medical file usable for research purposes, mainly used in the monitoring of patients with HIV. DataToCare sends test results in HL7 files via FTP to Nadis.